Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Boris, Boris, Boris. Say it 3 times and good luck will follow you today. Boris is a thinker. He thinks about many things. He calls it 'thingthinking'. It helps him solve problems, invent new gadgets, and gain wisdom.

Here his is now, sitting on a vine 'thingthinking'. He has a sprinkle of freckles on his nose that are the color of chocolate caramel. He can giddyap up the side of a tree like monkey with his tail on fire. Boris is Bramble and Brownie's brother.

When Boris was small, he used to hide under toadstools because he was shy and afraid to talk to anyone. His favorite toadstool was orange with white dots. He called it the mushroom with freckles.

He spent a lot of time hiding under there until one day he got tired of missing out on the fun his family was having.

That day, Boris learned that he had something important to say. He learned that he was important to his family and that no one would laugh at him for saying what he was thinking. That was the day he first started 'Thingthinking'. It was the best day ever!

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