Saturday, July 28, 2012

Story of the Little Teal Table That Could

I found this little guy a couple years ago.
It was an end table without the top part
It was cheap and sturdy so it came home with me
Enter Nathalie and all her creative wood projects and inspirations
So I almost forgot about his one. So busy trying to find 'deals' at thrift stores.
I didn't even take a before picture. But you've seen these 1000 times. Medium tan wood. blah blah blah
Found the turquoise/teal paint in the mismatched isle at Fred Meyers.
Made white chalk paint for the top. (after first doing a taupe crackle finish that was only so-so)
Such sweet colors!!
Finished the projects today. Took it out for it's 'head shots' and now I'm selling it for $30. Would this fit somewhere at your house?. Sweet little teal table that could!

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